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Optimum nutrition bcaa é bom

BCAA 5000 Powder

Product Overview

Optimum Nutrition's Instantized BCAA 5000 Powder provides a 5000 mg blend of the three Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Valine, L-Leucine and L-Isoleucine) in every serving. The Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's), so named because of their unique branched chemical structure, are essential in that the body cannot make them from other compounds. In recent times, these amino acids have been investigated for their potential anticatabolic (preventing muscle breakdown) and anabolic (muscle building) effects.*

NOTE: Serving sizes are larger in flavored versions due to additional ingredients to enhance taste.

Ratings & Reviews

I tried the unflavored, it smells like rotten corn and tastes like medicine mixed with semolina. If taste is what you're after optimum has all kinds of tasty pre workouts and BCAA products. As far as I can tell these are quality BCAAs I drink them mixed in with gatorade prior to a workout. It feels like I can lift more, longer when I mix these in my pre-workout vs. when I don't. Overall, mixes well, I never get sediment in my shakers.

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† This price is the retail price for this product found at one or more retail websites in the last 30 days. The price may not include shipping cost, tax, sale or promotional prices, or discounts such as member pricing. Prices may change. verifies this price every 30 days.

Directions For BCAA 5000 Powder:

Unflavored: Consume 1 Heaping Teaspoonful of Instantized BCAA 5000 Powder between meals, 30-45 minutes before workouts, and/or immediately after workouts. TIP: Try adding some to your favorite protein supplement, MRP, or weight-gainer. Combine with a sensible diet and regular exercise.

Flavored: Consume 2 Scoops of Instantized BCAA 5000 Powder between meals, 30-45 minutes before workouts, and/or immediately after workouts. TIP: Try adding some to your favorite protein supplement, MRP, or weight-gainer. Combine with a sensible diet and regular exercise.

NOTE: Serving sizes are larger in flavored versions due to additional ingredients to enhance taste.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. Check with a qualified health care professional before taking this product if you are pregnant, nursing a baby, under 18 years of age, or if you have any known or suspected medical condition(s) and/or are taking any prescription or OTC medication(s).

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Learn more about BCAAs .

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Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder

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